Wonderful end to a busy day!

Crazy crazy road and tunnels.

An actual loop-d-loop bridge/road, pretty cool.

This up close you could really see how they did the eyes,
they looked amazingly life like.

George through a crevice in a cave

Remember the comment about the bikes?
We were in the midst of "Sturgis", bikers will know what I'm
talking about. 800,000 bikes expected in the Black Hills area.
And thats exactly where we were.
Now I have nothing against bikes, I've even been known to enjoy a ride
when the opportunity presents itself, but there is such a thing as
to many in one place. There was a cluster in Custer, made
me nervous to drive, they were EVERYWHERE!
The folks on them were very friendly, but man was my
heart racing having to drive and park with them all around.


Hike in a mixed grass meadow, I tried not to put to many
pictures in, but they sure were beautiful!

Saw lots of turkey, this one happened to have about 6 young ones
with her, missed them, hard to drive and shoot pictures, specially on
hairpin curves.

Wild buffalo, finally, they are much nicer looking than the farm raised.

Lots of Pronghorn Antelope, mama and baby

This guy walked right past our car, nice rack!

Camping again, we were lucky to find a site with the bike rally going on.
Second morning there, I came back from my shower to see a deer
and a turkey walking behind the tent.